The Wedding of

Nabiila & Faqih

Dear, Tamu Undangan

You Are Invited

Nabiila & Faqih

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat,
Kami mengundang Bpk/Ibu/Saudara/i ke acara kami :

With all due respect, we invite you to our wedding

20 . February . 2022

Nabiila & Faqih

“And it is among His signs that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them, and He has created love and kindness between you. Surely in this there are signs for a people who reflect.”
Ar-Rum : 21

Perkenalkan dua insan yang dipertemukan Tuhan dengan pasanganya. Semoga cinta menyatukan raga berbalut jiwa yang berpegang Tantra.

Meet the couple who are falling in love each other.

Nabiilatul Izzah

Putri Dari
Bpk. Ir. H. Amirudin & Ibu. Hj. Siti Rezekiah

Daughter of
Mr. Ir. H. Amirudin & Mrs. Hj. Siti Rezekiah

Indramayu | Ankara

Muhammad Faqihus Syar'i, S.S.I

Putra Dari
Bpk. H. Fauzil Mahfuz, S.H & Ibu. Alm. Hj. Yusnina, S.I.Q, S.Ag/Diah Trisnawati, S.Ag

Son of
Mr. H. Fauzil Mahfuz, S.H & Mrs. Alm. Hj. Yusnina, S.I.Q, S.Ag/Diah Trisnawati, S.Ag

Cingkaring | Istanbul

Counting Down

“The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.”

Akad Nikah

( The Wedding )

Minggu | Sunday

February 2022

Pukul 10:00 WIB s/d Selesai

AT 10:00 AM WIB 'till Finish

Location :
masjid tegal semaya city Jl. Raya Cirebon - Indramayu, Singakerta, Krangkeng, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat 45284

( Tegal Semaya City's Mosque )
Cirebon-Indramayu Boulevard, Singakerta. Indramayu, West Java 45284

Endless Love

Resepsi Nikah

( Wedding Ceremony )

Minggu | Sunday

February 2022

Pukul 11:00WIB s/d Selesai

AT 11:00 PM WIB 'till Finish

Location :
masjid tegal semaya city Jl. Raya Cirebon - Indramayu, Singakerta, Krangkeng, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat 45284

( Tegal Semaya City's Mosque )
Cirebon-Indramayu Boulevard, Singakerta. Indramayu, West Java 45284

Map Lokasi

( Location Map )

Live Wedding

Momen sakral & bahagia akad nikah kami tayangkan secara virtual melalui Zoom Live. Tekan tombol untuk Join.

Our Wedding moment will go live on zoom. Click button below to join.

Meeting ID: 934 2277 0597
Passcode: 679491


“We keep this love in a photograph, we made these memories to spread our happiness”

Protokol Kesehatan

( COVID 19 Health Protocol )

Memakai Masker

( Wear a Masker )

Mencuci Tangan

( Wash Your Hands )

Gunakan Handsatinizer

( Use Handsanitizer )

Menjaga Jarak

( Social Distancing )

Wedding Gift

Doa Restu Anda merupakan karunia yang sangat berarti bagi kami.
Dan jika memberi adalah ungkapan tanda kasih Anda, Anda dapat memberi kado secara cashless.

We understand that some of you might want to send us a greeting or a gift, so please tap the following button to send them to us :

Wedding Wish

Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i berkenan hadir, untuk memberikan do’a restu kepada kedua mempelai.

It’s an honour to let you know our wedding moment and let’s celebrate it together.
“Marry off the single among you and those of your male and female slaves who are fit [for marriage]. If they are poor, God will provide for them from His bounty: God’s bounty is infinite and He is all knowing.”
An-Nur : 32

Thank You

Nabiila & Faqih

Crafted with love by :

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