We Are Getting Married

Christ & Leena

November 5, 2021

“Dan di antara tanda-tanda (kebesaran)-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang.”

We Found A Love

Undangan Digital | otwsah.com

“A perfect love is when a couple fall in love for many times and always with the same person.”

We Found A Love

Undangan Digital | otwsah.com

“A perfect love is when a couple fall in love for many times and always with the same person.”

Ecco Christ

Son of
Father Name & Mother Name

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Undangan Website | Otwsah.com


Daughter of
Father Name & Mother Name

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The Wedding

Friday, November 5th 2021
09:00 – 10:00 am

The Bride’s House

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Undangan Digital | otwsah.com


Friday, November 5th 2021
07:00 – 12:00 pm

Lorem Ipsum Hall

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Counting Down To The Day

  • 00Day
  • 00Hour
  • 00Min
  • 00Sec


Say your pray to us and your RSVP confirmation.

Wedding Gift

If by giving us a gift is the way you celebrate our wedding, then we’ll make it easier for you.

Thank You

Christ & Leena

Crafted with love by : otwsah.com

Undangan Digital | otwsah.com

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The Wedding Of

Christ & Leena

Friday, November 5th 2021

Special Invited To :

Nama Tamu

Undangan Digital | otwsah.com